Consultations are a critical step in determining appropriateness for Cybertherapy services.
An ethical wellness practitioner won't promise you the world.
Services that work for you
In order to help, we first need to learn to listen.
That listening takes time. Many people seeking services are distressed, and it is extremely important to take the time to assess and make appropriate referrals if their needs fall outside the scope of the wellness consulting practice. Careful, un-rushed listening is the only way to make that determination.
Discussing Options
Before your New Client Consultation, you’ll firstly determine your preferred method of session via discussion over email. You can ask questions, and your preferences will be considered in determining the best fit for your consultation medium whether it be with secure videoconferencing or phone/audio only. If you prefer, in person on location visits are also available in the local area, or at an additional surcharge outside of the area. Following the determination of your preferred session type, a consultation appointment will be fixed, and you will then receive instructions for paying for and connecting to your initial consultation if it is to be done at a distance.
Goodness of Fit
One size fits all is convenient, but lazy.
Cybertherapy is different, I care about ethics, and goodness of fit. If you are seeking services I don't provide, or need different interventions than what I can offer, I'll tell you. Wasting people's time and money is not my goal. I want to build and instill hope, based on the likelihood of realistic achievement of personal goals. Ticking off boxes and watching my bank account grow is not the purpose of this consulting practice.
Get Inspired
A great consultation leaves you feeling, heard, clarified, inspired, and hopeful. You'll receive the right referral, whether it is in getting better through my consultation services or elsewhere.